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The Massage Therapist

Sandra Rose , Licensed Massage Therapist

Sandy practices intuitively on individuals to give each person a personalized healing experience. No two people are alike, and no two massage sessions should be either. She offers to be present, mindful and grounded for each and every client to deliver a soothing and refreshing experience.

Sandy's interest in health and wellness began in the 90's while working as a Social Worker

for people living with HIV/AIDS. She saw the value of enhancing the quality of life with

complementary therapies, and started researching and learning the many ways of tuning in

to the "Still Waters" of the person where healing and regeneration begins. She has researched

and trained in many modalities including but not limited to Swedish massage, Reiki, Thai massage, and a comprehensive therapy called Integrated Healing

which accesses information and guidance using kinesiology (muscle testing) to address issues affecting the client on many levels. She is certified by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork.